Bianca Pereira
A researcher and software developer at work, a feminist by ideal, and an educator by passion.

Day 1: Public Brainstorm (Gumroad 14 Day Product Challenge)

The first day of the Gumroad 14 Day Product challenge was all about identifying what is the product we want to create.

To identify what I will be creating I have applied two strategies:

  1. Public brainstorming.
  2. Requests for Feedback

Public Brainstorming

For Day 1 I decided to go for a public brainstorm of ideas on Twitter:

As I have knowledge in different areas I find it really hard to decide on what I want to focus first (that has always being my problem). So I decided to brainstorm something in all areas:

First, some of the learnings I got in participating in academia-industry project collaborations.

My experience with quitting a PhD (for not knowing a lot of stuff and having a hard time) to starting again a part-time PhD 3 years later (now with WAY more knowledge):

My experience in starting a Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee in a highly hierarchical institution where I was at the bottom of the hierarchy. Also, how to add these values into software-related projects:

Finally, some vague ideas around my research topic of expertise:

Requests for Feedback

Having had a public brainstorm, without real intention on getting feedback from that. I contacted a group of friends with the following request:

Hi =) I am participating in the #14DayProduct challenge where we need to create a product (an e-book, an experience sharing course, a how-to or something like that) in 14 days.

I am reaching out to my friends for some help: If I could teach you anything that I know. What would you like to learn about?

Let’s see what I will learn from them :)

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